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Bulk Download Photos from Hub
Updated over 4 months ago

Users have the ability to download multiple files at a time from Hub. Three things to know:

  1. All the selected files will download as the same file type. This means that you cannot download an assortment of PNGs and JPGs in the same download.

  2. The selected files will download as a zipped file.

  3. If a file says "Updating..." you cannot download it until it's complete.

Steps for bulk downloading files from Hub:

  1. In Hub, select multiple files you want to download by clicking on them.

  2. Click the download icon in the bottom toolbar.

  3. The file type picker window will pop up. Select the file type you want.

  4. Click Download.

  5. Once done, the browser will automatically download the zipped file.

  6. Double click the zipped file to open it on your computer.


1. What file format do I expect when downloading multiple files from Hub?

When clicking Download, you will be presented with a file type picker. The file type selected here will be the format for all the files you will be downloading. Basic subscribers can download PNG and JPG files; Pro subscribers can download PNG, JPG, as well as PDFs.

2. Why can’t I download my documents from Hub?

You must be a paid subscriber in order to download from Hub.

3. Can I download multiple GIFs or MP4s from Hub?

At this time, all GIFs and MP4s must be downloaded directly from the Editor. Make sure your design is open in PicMonkey, then click Download on the top toolbar.

For more on designing with video, see: Using Videos in Your Designs & FAQs

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