Did you know? One-click background remover is available in the PicMonkey Mobile App for iOS and Android users! It’s a Pro subscriber feature, so if you already have a Pro subscription then you have unlimited access. If you don’t have a Pro subscription, you can upgrade or purchase one here: PicMonkey Subscription Plans.
How to use the background remover app

First you’ll need to download PicMonkey from the App Store (iOS) or Google Play (Android). If you already have the app, be sure to update it to use the new feature.
Open the PicMonkey mobile app.
Choose a photo to edit.
Tap BG Remover in the bottom toolbar.
The tool may take a few seconds to apply the background remover.
If PicMonkey removes too much background, tap Manual and use the paintbrush to restore. Alternately, you can use the eraser tool to remove even more of your photo.
Tap the checkmark when you’re finished.
Tap Save to save and/or share.
Tips for getting a good background remove result

Not all images are good candidates for BG Remover. Consider these tips for the best results:
Photos with a distinct background and foreground will produce the cleanest result.
Photos that look cluttered or are too dark or too light may not work with this tool.
If your photo’s background isn’t successfully removed, you’ll receive an error message (and the attempt will not count against your three free removals if you’re trialing a Pro subscription.)
You can use the additional BG Remover suite of tools to fine-tune:
Manual gives you a paint brush and eraser to further clean up your background. Zoom in to fine-tune your edits.
Adjust lets you fine-tune your choices when you’re restoring and erasing.
Tap Edges and adjust how sharp or feathered the edges of your image look by moving the slider up or down.
Invert lets you swap the erased part for the non-erased part of your image and vice versa.
More resources for removing backgrounds
Get the full overview on using PicMonkey's Background Remover.
Gather design inspo for removing image backgrounds.
Make trendy YouTube thumbnails with Background Remover and our Outline effect.
Make transparent PNG files in a jiffy.
Stay up-to-date with what's new on PicMonkey for iOS and PicMonkey for Android.