Design Collaboration Tool

PicMonkey’s new design collaboration tools help you make designs more efficiently and creatively:
∙ Co-edit and design in real time ∙ Organize projects in Shared Spaces ∙ Comment directly on files

Tools for collaboration to help you
Make better designs
Incorporate everyone’s talents and ideas, while learning from one another as you design.
Boost your productivity
Say adios to uploading, downloading, and emailing: Design and distribute in one place.
Work how you wanna work
Create collaborative groups with others — even people who aren’t PicMonkey subscribers.

Real-time collaboration tool
Design together with your team, and experience the efficient magic of our design collaboration tool. See others make changes in real time. No need for multiple versions.

Give feedback about a design by commenting directly on the file—place comments over the area you want to discuss. Get notifications about others’ comments.

Shared Spaces
Invite your team to a Shared Space where you keep all your projects. Set view/copy/contribute status for each team member. Add new people via shareable link.

How to create a Shared Space with PicMonkey's design collaboration tyool
In Hub on your desktop create a Shared Space.
Upload and organize images into folders in your space.
Invite others via email or link to join your projects.
Design together & leave comments on files
Why PicMonkey?
So much for so little It’s the best deal going, with 1000s of graphics, 1000s of sized-right templates, plus filters and fonts galore.
Everything in one place Store your designs where you create them. Access and edit from the desktop or our mobile app.
Ideas & inspiration included Check out our library of articles full of tips, tricks, and tutorials to help you in your design journey.