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Get to Know the Collage Tool
Updated over 4 months ago

PicMonkey’s collage maker tool is located in the PicMonkey Editor. (Those who’ve used collage in Old PicMonkey take note that there is not a separate collage area in New PicMonkey.)

The collage editing panel

  1. Select Collage from the top toolbar to open the collage maker tool.

2. When you start a new design, the size of your canvas or image will determine the shape of the collage layouts. For instance, if you create a new project with a square Facebook post canvas, you will see layouts that are oriented as squares.

In the collage panel you’ll find layouts to scroll through. Choose a layout with one, two, five, or even 64 cells. You can click through the layouts and they will preview larger on your canvas.

Above the layouts you’ll find the familiar rotate and flip icons.

The Spacing and Corner rounding sliders change the size and shape of the border surrounding the cells. There are two distinct states for spacing: locked and unlocked.

Locked vs. unlocked spacing

When the Spacing slider is locked (the chain link icon is shown), adjusting the slider will increase or decrease the spacing (padding) of ALL the borders—both the spacing surrounding the cell, and the outer border of the collage—uniformly. Click to unlock it if you want the spacing and borders to be different.

the Spacing slider is unlocked (the chain link icon is broken), you can adjust the padding of the outer border independently of the inner cell spacing, and vice versa. Note that if you click the chain link icon again to lock spacing, the outer border will become the same size as the inner borders.

Corner rounding slider

Use the Corner rounding slider to round the edges of the cells. Pushing the slider all the way to 100% will create circle shapes from squares.

Collage within the Layers panel

Like any other design in PicMonkey, the 'layers' of your collage will appear in the Layers panel on the right (three stacked squares icon). If you add additional design elements to your collage such as text or graphics, they will sit "on top" of your collage (which serves as the design's background).

Note that you cannot place text or graphics inside of individual cells, but you can position them perfectly by resizing, cropping, and using the alignment tools.

Saving and downloading your collage

Your collage, like all your designs in PicMonkey, saves automatically to Hub. The collage will save as a multi-layered file which preserves the ability to return to your project at a later time and continue editing. Even the individual cells of the collage remain editable.

Note to Old PicMonkey users: Unlike Old PicMonkey, you don’t have to move your collage to the Editor or manually save it.

You can download or share your collage just as you would any PicMonkey design—unless it contains a video or an animated GIF graphic, then you must download it to your computer directly.

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