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Blurry Images & JPG vs. PNG
Updated over 4 months ago

Your image may appear blurry due to a compression issue. Whenever you resize an image, text or graphic, you are also shrinking and enlarging the pixels of that image/text. While you shouldn’t expect a loss in quality with minor resizing, any substantial resizing of JPG images will result in a visibly poorer image. This often happens when trying to fit large images into a small space; you end up losing a lot of the image quality.

Instead of saving as a JPG, try saving as a PNG file. PNG files compress your image without throwing away information. JPGs are destructive to image quality because this file type doesn't preserve every pixel of color within an image, and the more you save it the lower the quality. JPG is also particularly hard on text—especially small text. So, save as a PNG for the best quality images—just note that a PNG file will be much larger than a JPG.

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