PicMonkey vs. Canva

PicMonkey vs Canva Hero

PicMonkey and Canva are two of the top design tools on the market, but which is better? We're biased, but we think the facts speak for themselves. Take a look at this side-by-side comparison.

PicMonkey vs Canva Hero

Feature comparison

FeaturePicMonkey Canva
Design templates
Cloud storage
Stock Photos
File sharing
Ability to apply multiple filters and effects
Full-featured photo editing
Co-edit image simultaneously with a team member
Curved and drop-shadow text
Copy the look — apply effects from one image to another
Masking and blend modes
No hidden fees for "premium" templates, graphics, fonts
Great for all skill levels

Let's take a deeper look

Text Tricks

With PicMonkey, you can curve your text in one click, create and fine-tune drop shadows, and upload as many fonts as you want. You can even make a photo show through the letters of your text! Canva lacks these features and only allows you to upload a few fonts. Check it out

Real-time collaboration

PicMonkey allows your team to experience true real-time collaboration with our shared spaces. You can edit, comment, and view an image simultaneously with other people, and all your changes are captured on the fly—no waiting, and no versions. Canva just has file sharing and commenting. Learn more

Advanced touch up

Canva has no touch up capabilities. PicMonkey’s Touch Up tools are both easy to use and super powerful. In a few clicks, you can do things like erase blemishes, whiten teeth, brighten eyes, smooth out lines, and so much more. Give it a try

Take a look at PicMonkey for yourself