Unblur images in seconds

Our powerful photo editing tools help you unblur images with ease. Turn almost-perfect into picture-perfect with just a few clicks — no photo editing skills required. Try for free today!

How to unblur images in PicMonkey

Upload your photo
Click Create new on the top menu and upload your photo. We accept JPG, PNG, and HEIC files (MAC only) with a maximum file size of 6400 x 6400 pixels.

Unblur your image
Fast correct your image with Auto adjust on the Edits menu. If you'd prefer more control, click Sharpen to manually add definition to all or part(s) of your photo.

Fine-tune your look
Modify other aspects of your photo like exposure or coloring. Use the tools’ sliders to fine-tune brightness, shadows, contrast, color saturation, and more.

Download or share
Download as a JPG or PNG, or share to social media directly from PicMonkey. Your design autosaves in Hub (our cloud storage) for quick access if you ever need it.
Photo editing tools for novices and professionals alike
De-blurring an image is just the start. Dive into the nitty-gritty of photo editing with advanced tools like Clone, Levels, and Curves. Quickly size and resize photos (our Smart Resize tool makes this a breeze). Even remove image backgrounds with one click! Yeah — there’s a bit of editing magic for everyone in PicMonkey’s toolbag.
Stop the scroll with eye-catching photo effects
Zhuzh up your photos with our serious arsenal of on-trend effects. Go back in time, add a pinch of artistic flair, or pump your image full of extra visual intrigue. Easy-to-use effect sliders make adjusting your look as simple as “That’s how I want it.”
Unblur images on the go
No desktop, no problem. The PicMonkey mobile app makes editing on the move a total cinch. Download it for free and enjoy the same glorious desktop experience in the palm of your hand.